Population access to electricity in Haiti 2019-2029

Access to electricity by the population of Haiti from 2019 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Basic Services focus area includes indicators that show essential public amenities and facilities necessary for the well-being and stability of individuals and communities. This focus area covers three chapters. The Access to Electricity chapter shows the percentage of the total population, urban population, and rural population, that has access to electricity. It provides an overall view of electrification rates within a country or region. The Access to Basic Drinking Water chapter focuses on the percentage of the total population, urban population, and rural population that has access to basic drinking water services. It assesses the availability of safe and clean drinking water sources, such as piped water supply or protected wells. It also indicates the overall coverage of basic drinking water services. The Access to Basic Sanitation chapter measures the percentage of the total population, urban population, and rural population that has access to basic sanitation facilities. It assesses the availability of adequate toilet facilities, including flush toilets, pit latrines, and/or improved sanitation systems. It also indicates the overall coverage of basic sanitation services.

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